How to Make Men Chase You, Even When You’re in a Couple

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“Confidence is not about being better than anyone else; it’s about being unapologetically yourself. That’s what truly attracts people to you.”

How to make men run after you? Oh yes, it’s absolutely possible—even in today’s harsh dating climate, where men have become spoiled and women often seem desperate. But ladies, don’t despair! If you apply the tips and tricks I’m about to share, you’ll have men not just chasing, but begging for your attention.

Why Is This Topic Important?

This is a topic we absolutely need to discuss. Men are all around us—whether we’re married, in a relationship, or single and looking. The tips I’m about to share will apply to you no matter your relationship status, so get ready to take notes and turn the tables in your favor.

I’ve mentioned that modern society isn’t exactly moving in a favorable direction for women. However, ladies, we need to face a hard truth: men have become very spoiled, but the main reason why they are spoiled are actually us, women. That’s right, we’re not entirely innocent here. We’re not going to play the victims, because we’ve contributed to this, and it’s time to take responsibility.

And there’s a simple reason for this: women have become desperate. Women have become very forgiving, often we violate our own boundaries just to keep a man, satisfy him, or have a family. This is a huge problem. As high-caliber women, one thing we absolutely cannot afford is to compromise our own boundaries. We cannot start bending or flexing the initial message we put out. After all, many of us are probably playing a little hard to get at first.

Tip 1: Be Hard To Get

But the problem is, when we’re actually not acting hard to get. This brings me straight to the first—and perhaps the biggest—dating cliché out there: being hard to get. Yes, it’s a cliché, but we absolutely need to talk about it, because chances are, you’re not doing your homework when it comes to mastering this skill.

You’re probably still texting him first, calling him first, bending your own boundaries, and not truly being hard to get. And I’m sorry to say this, but there’s a reason you might not be receiving the treatment you expect.

I have previously wrote an article on How To Romanticize Your Life – 10 Tips – maybe it will help you find feminine activities, that will keep you focus on yourself, rather then the man.

It’s not just because men are pigs. In fact, the majority of men are not pigs. There are still plenty of highly educated, high-quality men out there—the kind of men we should be looking for in these modern times. Because, let’s face it, who has the time or energy to educate a man or raise him as if he were a little boy? Quite frankly, high-caliber women don’t do that, and neither should you.

Women also have a tendency to be impatient—I see it everywhere. Let’s not deny the fact that many women often prioritize quantity over quality. What I mean by this is that some women feel uncomfortable staying single. They think, “Well, he seems all right. Let me just jump on this ship,” and off they go. Then later, she wonders why she’s unhappy in the relationship, why things aren’t working out, and why the man she chose turned out to be a pig.

So, I don’t want any of that for you. I want you to be incredibly selective—to choose wisely, take your time, and truly test the guy. Ask yourself: Is he really worth my time? Is he deserving of my trust, my love, my energy, my efforts? A man has to prove himself. A man has to earn it. And when he earns it and when he knows it’s a challenge—that’s when you’re truly being hard to get!

You’re not being hard to get by simply not answering the phone once or texting him half an hour later instead of immediately. That’s not being hard to get. Men can see right through those games, and frankly, that’s just being silly. I’m sorry, but hard to get isn’t about playing little tricks. It’s a lifestyle. Hard to get is the energy you radiate.

We are actually very lucky in many ways. Physically and hormonally, we’re not built to be desperate for men. Men, on the other hand, are wired differently. Their testosterone often messes with their minds, making them feel the need to hunt for women. They need to release and satisfy that testosterone, meaning they’re physically driven by a sense of urgency and desire. In contrast, women are not physically desperate in the same way.

Tips 2: Stop Being Emotionally Desperate

However, the real issue arises when we become emotionally desperate, and that’s something we need to be aware of. Emotional desperation is the biggest trap we can fall into. The key to avoiding it is by grounding ourselves and sourcing our emotional needs from within—learning to fulfill them on our own rather than relying on someone else to do so.

I’ve spoken a lot about the importance of doing the work—whether it’s therapy, spiritual growth, or personal development. It’s about working on yourself, strengthening your mind, and filling that emotional gap that often awakens little Mrs. Desperado in you—the part that makes you chase after a man instead of letting him chase after you.

I know it might sound like a quick fix, but it’s not. Becoming emotionally strong as a woman is a long journey, but it’s one that must begin. Because when you neglect your foundation—your inner world, the true essence of who you are—that’s when you start attracting all the wrong men. You know, the ones we look at and think, What is she doing with him? Doesn’t she know she deserves better? Lady, snap out of it.

Tip 3: Do Not Validate Your Worth Through A Man

Another common mistake—and I’m speaking from experience, as I’ve been there myself, but managed to sort myself out after many trial and errors—is when we validate our worth through a man.

Now, what does this say about us? It means we’re always going to be emotionally dependent on a man to basically validate us. It also means we feel like we always need a man’s presence in our lives—to be attached to him through a relationship or marriage—to be seen as a woman who has “made it,” a woman who is accomplished.

Now, I also want you to be aware that society is built in a very sexist way. A single woman is often seen as worth less than a woman who is in a relationship or married. Oh, she must be married to be viewed as a woman of respect—everyone else, not so much.

Do you like this article so far? Thank you, it means a lot to me! I’ve put a lot of energy and effort in writing this one and all of the other articles on my blog. Would you like to read another one related to the relationship topic? Here you go: How To Solve Conflicts In A Relationship In A Feminine Way – Improve Your Relationship in 30 days!

That’s sexist, and it’s something you need to be aware of because little Mrs. Desperado gets affected by these societal stereotypes and the sexism that’s ingrained in our culture. But when you become aware of all these things I’m explaining, you’ll start to think differently. You’ll begin to separate yourself from certain stereotypes, from those imposed beliefs, and you might think, “Okay, let me take a step back. Let me not rush into this. Let me not act so desperate.

You start figuring things out differently simply by using the method of awareness. What truly makes a man beg for a woman’s attention is when she’s genuinely hard to get—when she lives it. She does not just pretends it. Men can see through those games; they’re not stupid, especially if you’re dating high-caliber men. Don’t you think they’ve dealt with their fair share of sneaky women? They’ve learned the games and tactics women play.

We play a lot of games, and some of us play them better than others. But if you want to play the game well, you need to actually live it. That’s why it’s so important to position yourself as a high-caliber woman.

Tip 4: Upgrade Your Personal Branding

Let’s now talk about branding, personal branding and how to position yourself correctly. Because your actions, define your brand.

You can’t just dress nicely or speak nicely. You need to live what you showcase. It’s about walking the walk, not just talking the talk. High-caliber women are the ones men truly beg to get the attention of.

And how are these ladies? Well, like I said, they’re selective. They’re hard to get—and they live it, because they have their own lives. They’re busy, not just waiting around or jumping at every opportunity a man offers. They live elegantly, take care of themselves, and have expensive taste. And they’re not afraid to show it.

Surely, they do it with good taste and discretion—never overdoing it, because let’s face it, who likes that? Nobody. High-caliber women are always educated and passionate about something, whether it’s their profession, their life’s mission, a personal project, or, let’s say, if they’re homemakers and passionate about their family. They have a passion, and they’re dedicated to it, and that’s what makes them interesting.

Women like this are the hottest on the market. A woman like this, even in an existing relationship, will keep her man falling in love with her over and over again. He never grows bored of her, because she’s always interesting. She’s cultivated, particular, and intriguing. She sets boundaries, knows her worth, and acts with confidence—as if she’s already everything he needs.

Tip 5: Look The Way Men Find Attractive

Of course, we can’t ignore the fact that men are very visual. There are so many different fashion trends and styles today, but I think a lot of the time, women forget who we’re really dressing for. Yes, we dress for ourselves, but let’s not forget—we also dress for men.

And we have to take that into account. Whether it’s for our partner or someone we wish to attract – the way we look matters! It is important that men like the way we look visually. Because if they don’t, either the relationship will falter, or we’ll forever remain single. So we have to balance both aspects—dressing for ourselves to gain confidence and experience the pleasure of wearing beautiful clothes we enjoy, but also wearing things that men find appealing. Clothes that make them look at you and think, “That is a very feminine, attractive woman.”

Then, forget about dressing for other women—that’s a waste of time. But unfortunately, many women dress for other women, mainly, and forget the part of dressing for themselves and for men.

Tip 6: You Don’t Need To Have A Face Of A Model To Be Extremely Successful With Men

You don’t need to be a conventional beauty to succeed in the male department. First and foremost, understand this: there isn’t just one type of appearance that men are attracted to. Men, believe it or not, really like all kinds of women.

The day you start believing this is the day you’ll become that woman who is so incredibly confident. Men will be irresistibly attracted to you—not just because of your confidence, but also because you make yourself look the very best you can.

And I think that’s what’s really important: work with what you have, enhance your natural features, and make yourself look the best you possibly can. But don’t forget to add the magic touch to the recipe—add… femininity.

Femininity is what truly sells. Sex doesn’t sell. Vulgarity doesn’t sell. And seeking a fast track to get sexual attention? That’s not the answer either.

Feminine attention is what you want. Women like Monica Bellucci have mastered it to perfection. It’s about adding that little spice to your repertoire, that special touch to your flavor. Highlight your feminine traits, and make them shine.

If you have a feminine silhouette, highlight it. If you don’t, create one using fashion tips and tricks. You can play around with fabrics, perhaps showcasing certain details while concealing others—little things like that can make a big difference.

But ultimately, femininity is an energy—just like being a high-caliber woman.


I truly hope you found this article helpful. I’m passionate about this topic because I believe it’s so important for women to regain their power. We’re sitting on a goldmine, because men are desperate to have the confident, feminine attention of a woman they love.

I just wish women and girls weren’t so desperate in today’s society—so vulgar, so quick to reveal their precious bodies for free, thinking it makes them look cool and attractive.

That’s why I’m committed to writing more on how to regain your power as a woman. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so leave me a comment below or share this article with anyone who might find it helpful!

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